3D SEAT Ventilation design library
SEAT Ventilation, the French leader in anti-corrosion ventilators for laboratories, has modeled its products in 3D for you.
The 3D distribution of our catalog and its free availability of CAD models have now become essential professional tools for suppliers and buyers of industrial equipment wishing to work with their customers' design offices.
SEAT Ventilation product portfolio includes products perfectlly adapted for extraction of corrosive and toxic gases and fumes in various laboratory and industrial applications.
You can download SEAT, JET and STORM models in 3D anti-corrosion plastic fans.
Fans for all ventilation requirements for harmful, corrosive and odorous environments, whether in terms of extraction or the transfer of polluted air.
All SEAT Ventilation fans and blowers in 3D models, CAD files and 2D drawings and BIM.